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Post Construction Cleaning winnipeg

Post-Construction Cleaning Services

Construction is a messy business. When the project is complete, there’s no telling what dirt and debris might be left behind. And while your builders might be experts at construction, they probably aren’t trained on the finer points of cleaning when the last nail is finally hammered into place. 
That’s where Simba Cleaning comes in.

Simba Cleaning provides efficient, expert post-construction cleaning services for building contractors, owners, and managers.

Partnering With Contractors
If you’re a building contractor and need a cleaning contractor to partner with, we are pleased to handle the final phases of post-construction cleanup, from the initial broom-out to the final detail cleaning. 
If you’re a building owner or manager and are doing some remodeling in your office, we’ll work with you on getting your space ready for occupancy.

Assisting New Occupants
If you’re going to be moving into a newly constructed or refurbished building, we can provide construction clean up at the new site so you’re ready to move in on time.
While we do not haul away construction debris, our final detail cleaning is the best in the area. We clean with attention to detail to ensure any newly renovated or constructed space is clean and healthy for occupation.

Thorough Construction Cleaning
What is post-construction cleaning? Post construction cleanup essentially means that when the construction is done and the tools are put away, we bring in the brooms. It’s the necessary final cleaning that construction requires to give you a healthy, beautiful new space.
What many people don’t realize is that construction cleanup is more labor intensive than, say, janitorial cleaning. It is very dirty work whether it is at an office or a home renovation. At Simba Cleaning, we like to tackle it in three stages: a rough clean, a final clean and a touch-up cleaning. 

The Rough Cleaning Phase
After construction is done, there is a lot to clean, particularly to get the desired finished result that allows the space to be used. During our rough cleaning, we focus on cleaning the most visible messes and debris, like stray adhesive and caulking, paint overspray, and drywall dust on all surfaces.
What can’t simply be dusted needs to be washed. This is the part that makes construction cleaning so different from other types of commercial cleaning. 



The Second Cleaning Phase

Next, we perform a second cleaning because a lot of construction work is done with power tools, lots of dust gets into the tiniest of places and crevices. Simba Cleaning technicians are experts at finding all of the places where dust collects and performing detailed cleaning to remove every last trace of recent construction.
Construction leaves a lot of dust behind, which can be dangerous if inhaled. Post-construction cleanup requires cleaning ventilation systems and a lot of vacuuming and mopping. Additionally, we focus on cleaning cabinetry, glass surfaces, bathrooms, baseboards and floors so that your entire space is dust-free and ready to go. 

The Final, Detailed Cleaning Phase

Finally, about a week or so after all the dust settles, we perform a touch-up cleaning to ensure all dust and smudges are removed before your space is occupied. 
As you can see, going from a construction site to a showroom requires some heavy-duty cleaning, and as construction cleanup professionals, we are up to the task at Simba Cleaning.


Our Post Construction Cleanup Methods

When you have a brand-new space, you want to be able to fully enjoy it. It should be gleaming and shining, not covered in dust, work boot prints, excess caulk or finger smudges. Construction workers and contractors work hard, but when they finally finish, it’s time for a commercial cleaning services company to roll up its sleeves and give your space the professional polish it deserves so you can make a strong first impression with your new construction. 

Each time we schedule a post-construction cleaning, we cater our services to the specific needs of our clients and their space. This means that each cleanup looks a little different.

Our construction cleanup services depend on what the space calls for, but we begin by cleaning up all residual dirt and construction dust. We’ll vacuum all areas of your space and dust and wipe all the other surfaces, then give everything a final clean. 

We use all kinds of professional-grade equipment to ensure your space is in top shape and ready for its grand opening:


  • Wet and dry industrial vacuum

  • Brooms

  • Dusters

  • Mops

  • Microfiber towels

  • Professional-grade cleaning products

Our after-construction cleaning services are totally customized to you, which means we spend the exact amount of time needed to clean your commercial space. How long can that take? It varies based on the size of your space and how much cleaning is required.

Our cleaning teams of two to three technicians can transform your space so it sparkles in just one day. Before we begin any work, we’ll give you a detailed estimate based on the square footage and the number of hours it will take to clean, with a minimum of $250 per job. 

Your Post Construction Checklist

Our customers and partners have relied on Simba Cleaning to make sure their post construction cleanup is done right for years. They know they can expect the results they want from us because we provide customized services.

We know every job is different and every room or office is different, but we can put together a construction cleanup plan based on the job at hand.

One thing that never changes is our dedication to quality. Post-construction detailing, like any detail work, is exactly as it sounds-detailed. That means cleaning every little tiny thing perfectly. To do that, you need a post-construction checklist.

We provide the checklist and follow through on it so you know the job has been done right. Post-construction cleaning and detailing check

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